Firebird - ускорение БД

По материалам:

-- Мое скромное обобщение всеобщего опыта

1. SSD + RAID 10 + Disk Write-back cache + Disk Read cache + TEMP on SSD

2. SuperServer 3.0 for Firebird 3

3. DefaultDBCachePages>=50000 pages for Firebird 3

4. TempCacheLimit>=1Gb for Firebird 3

5. Forced Writes=OFF (3 times speed up) - BBU && UPS devices only!!!

6. LockHashSlots=30011 (big prime number)

7. Switch off indices, use Global Temporary Tables for fast and bulk inserts

8. Use NO_AUTO_UNDO transaction option for bulk inserts/updates

9. Read only transactions for read, short transactions for write

10. "Turn off" indices for SQL IN: WHERE fieldX+0 IN (Val1, Val2, ValN)

11. Replace IN-IN-IN with JOIN

12. Use LEFT JOIN: from the smallest table to the largest one.


14. Use less number of columns in SELECT 

15. Use derived tables and WITH sub-queries

16. Use BIGINT for primary and unique keys

17. Make SET STATISTICS for indice optimization

18. Use HASH JOINs: T1 JOIN T2 ON T1.FIELD1+0 = T2.FIELD2+0

19. Make functions as DETERMINISTIC

20. Use analytical (window) functions

21. Use WHERE CURRENT OF search in cursor sub-cycles

22. Use switch -se for gbak
